
Making ESG Engagement Reporting at Fund Level Easy!

Feb 26, 2024






ESG Engagement Reporting

Regulations now require investment managers to report engagement activities at the fund level. While this may initially appear to be a straightforward aggregation of engagements across fund holdings, achieving this is a complex and challenging task.

Current Typical Workflow:

  • Users log and tag engagement activities in an Excel file stored in a shared folders
  • Engagements are linked to issuers using proxy identifiers, most commonly stock tickers.

Challenges Faced:

  • Data Quality Issues: The Excel-based system is prone to errors and lacks reliability and usability.
  • Ticker Variants: Users may use different ticker variants (Exchange, Bloomberg, Refinitiv), and they may make spelling errors.
  • Mismatch with Fund Holdings: Users may log engagements using the main stock ticker, while the fund holds an ADR (American Deposit Receipt), complicating the mapping process.

Our Solution:

ResearchPool offers an automated solution to streamline ESG engagement reporting at the fund level. Here’s how:

  • Automated Ticker Mapping: We map all tickers used by users and fund holdings to specific issuers through pre-defined and valid relationships. Parent issuer aggregation is also possible.
  • Robust Aggregation: Once engagements are aggregated at the issuer level, it becomes easy to report total engagements for a specific fund-holding issuer, sector, or thematic.

With ResearchPool, you can achieve accurate, efficient, and comprehensive ESG engagement reporting without the hassle and saving in most cases several days of work.

You can also read: How to Achieve Painless Financial & ESG Reporting at Issuer and Fund Levels?



Activities Tracking

Activities Tracking

Directly from Outlook, users can easily tag and log any ESG Engagement interaction with custom fields and automated field selection.

ESG Case Management

Engagement cases can be discovered, managed, and shared for time gains, reliable tracking and collaboration.

Case Management
ESG Reporting Dashboard


Customizable, intra-day updated, and ready-to-be-used reporting to track ESG Engagement across the organization.

Get Started Today!