Designed to empower organizations to automate and streamline data acquisition and management, while helping their users to make better sense of the available data for better investment decisions. Our solution powered by Microsoft Azure Data Services facilitates the aggregation, storage, organization, and maintenance of both structured and unstructured data. It provides a scalable, reliable, efficient, and secure workflow across the data lifecycle.
Collection: Seamless and multi-channel data aggregation via sFTP, APIs, bulk upload, web scrapping, etc…from internal and external sources (multi-vendor) into a single database
Storage: Secured and scalable storage of different types of data structured and semi structured and unstructured
Quality Control: Semi-automated techniques to ensure data accuracy and consistency
Transformation: Capacity to transform stored data into a usable format for analysis
Visualization and Reporting: User friendly and flexible interfaces with customizable tiles and tables to match needs and requirements
Enrichment: By adding detailed field metadata and combining static and dynamic data
Access control: Encryption and authentication to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access
Datasets: Comprehensive and rich Referential, Financial and ESG datasets, easily integrable via our Applications, API, sFTP and emailing.
Delivered Benefits
Easy data retrieval and access to accurate, consistent, and reliable data in one single place, fostering productivity and collaboration
Better decision-making by having enriched and organized data in a structured and unified manner that enables users to easily make sense of it
Protection of sensitive information, by controlling access to permissioned users only
Cost Efficiency by optimizing data storage, identifying, and reducing redundancies, and streamlining processes
Compliance with data regulations and standards by managing data in accordance with legal requirements
Removed Pain-Points
Data dispersed across systems and groups hindering collaboration
Poor data quality reducing user trust and induce flawed decisions
Inefficient data retrieval which time can be time consuming
Lack of data insights by not presenting the data in a way that makes sense to users